6.11.2024. Tuesday. Spring. 21st year.

Hold yourself gently, for you are all you have.


Do you ever feel lost, afraid, terrified of the future?

How about right now?

I know I do. Very often, in fact. I feel that way right now.

I don't know if it's the same for you, friend, but sometimes when I get like this, I wrap myself in blankets. I wrap myself up like a little animal preparing for harsh weather.

Sometimes it helps.

When it doesn't help, I turn to distractions, like videos of cute cats.

But it doesn't work every time.

When I can't find peace on my own, I find myself at the entrance of a website I have now become very familiar with. It knows me as well as I know it.

I return, as I often do, to Owl's Roost.

There are many areas of the roost that I find myself often discovering and rediscovering, but the one I come back to most often is the music hall.

When nothing will hold you gently in its embrace and even your own arms betray you, seek out the title "Soft Ears".

It embraces those who listen with warm, loving arms, and I promise that it will calm even the strongest storms within you.

Give it a try. See if it helps.

Love you.
